Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Amazon at 3:30 a.m.: For All of Your Iceberg and Other Arctic Needs

Okay, so, I'm up at 3:30 a.m. with nothing much to do. Can't sleep. It could have something to do with the large meal that I ate at a local Mexican restaurant in Williamsburg, KY. It was delicious; perhaps even worth the insomnia now.

Even though I am wide awake, I don't want to awaken SBM, sleeping soundly in the bed next to mine, so I can't turn on the TV. Probably not much on at this hour anyway. Not that I want to watch, anyway. S, who is my favorite sister and my lifelong friend, has many wonderful qualities. None of them show up when she is awakened in the wee hours of the morning for no good reason. She requires a full eight hours of sleep every night and becomes beyond grumpy when she doesn't get it. I mean, REALLY grumpy.

So, I'm trying to just quietly surf the Internet, with the laptop facing away from her bed so that the light won't bother her. I'm glad that one of her wonderful qualities is that she sleeps quite soundly.

But, on to the real reason for this post. After checking FB (not many of my friends are on at this hour--not even the ones in far-flung time zones) and email, I still needed something to do. I don't feel like reading, so blog-surfing is out. So, I decided to do some window-shopping. Can't think of anything that I want or need to buy, so I just went to Amazon to look at random things.

Well, talk about random. This thing I found, right away, is TOTALLY and magnificently random. How does one even find an inflatable 14-foot inflatable iceberg/climbing wall/water slide? Well, a couple of weeks ago, I looked at grass trimmers on Amazon. You know how the site shows you items along the lines of the latest products you viewed? Well, there among all of the grass trimmers and accessories, was a $6,107.02 inflatable iceberg. Who knew that anyone even made such a thing, or that it could be had for such a reasonable price? I won't spend $6,000 on a car, but I sure would spend that much (plus the additional $107.02) to be the only person on my block with a large inflatable iceberg. (Not to mention climbing wall and water slide.)

I read the product description to see if it was for real. The jury is still out on that. The listing notes, "Only one in stock. More coming soon!" Well, guys, I'm guessing that you're not going to need to start cranking these things out at high volume any time soon. Although I'm sure that there are a few penguins who might be wanting to order fake icebergs in light of what global climate change is doing to their habitat. (I think that they would especially enjoy the water slide, though I'm not sure that the climbing wall would be that useful to them.)

I read all of the reviews, all of which were bogus but a lot of fun to read.

So, with no further ado, I give you...the 14-foot inflatable iceberg (slash climbing wall slash water slide). Just in case you are feeling wide awake at a ridiculous hour of the morning and need something to do.
