Brothers and Sisters,
As followers of Christ:
It is our place to lift people up.
Not beat them up.
We are to shine the light,
Not curse the darkness.
Jesus told us to share the good news
about him,
Not to use him to condemn others who
haven't yet believed (and might never).
He told us to testify for him,
Not to win arguments about him.
He told us to seek peace,
Not inflame anger.
He told us to go forth and make
not to go out, hurling invectives that
create haters.
He told us to love those who hate us.
He told us to forgive those who do us
He told us to be like him. (Seems like
I recall that he gave up his life for those who hated him.)
And he probably meant for us to do all
of this stuff,
Even on the Internet.