Monday, May 23, 2011

I remember when it was just called toilet paper

What is it with toilet paper--er, I mean, bathroom tissue--commercials these days? Toilet paper seems to have come out of the closet, so to speak, recently, and--in my opinion--is getting too real for daytime television.

One commercial has a woman standing there, saying, "It's time to get real about what goes on in the bathroom."

And I think, "Really? Must we?"

I mean, really. Does anyone truly want to talk about this? Just walking into the bathroom after some people is too real an experience for me.

And then Charmin has its bear family (not to be mistaken for the bare family, though the bears are bare, now that I think about it). The mama bear routinely inspects her son's bottom for "pieces" that have been "left behind" (her words). Now, really. If you are more than three years old and your mom even occasionally inspects your bottom, then there is something wrong going on in your family. And she even calls it "inspection." Come on, Charmin! This is just downright creepy.

Then there's this weird product called Comfort Wipe. I'm not even going to go there. Literally. It's not TP itself, but it's a TP enhancer, you might say. It, too, would be creepy if it weren't so ridiculous that it seems like a spoof.

I confess that I do find the Angel Soft commercial funny--the one in which the guy's wife throws a roll of TP that takes the hair off the side of his head (because that TP is "too hard") and then the next roll, which is "too soft" explodes into fluff in his hands. But, you see, that one gets a little farther away from the topic of what, exactly, the TP is going to be used for.

Don't we all know what it's going to be used for? Do we really need to "get real" about it? I think not. We know that it's not really used for removing makeup, and none of us know what that blue fluid is that they're always pouring onto toilet paper and feminine hygiene products. No, we all know to what end toilet paper is going to come. And we don't really need to get specific about it, as far as I'm concerned.

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