Friday, December 28, 2012

"Is Mary Magdalene in the Office?"

I'm making a lot of phone calls at work right now, to update our senior service directory. It's hard to get hold of the people I need to talk to during the holidays, as so many people are out of the office.

Yesterday, I called a local branch of the YWCA to check their info. The woman who answered the phone said that the person I needed to talk to was out of the office till after New Year's Day. She then said, “You could talk to Mary Magdalene at the main office.”

“Pardon me? Mary Magdalene?”

“Yes. Mary Magdalene,” she repeated with supreme confidence. And she gave me the number for the main office.

I knew that couldn't be the woman's name, so with great trepidation, I called the main YWCA office and asked for Mary Magdalene. The woman who answered reacted with obvious disbelief, as if I were making a crank call. “Mary Magdalene?” I could hear the suspicious sneer in her voice. I couldn't blame her. If I'd gotten a call like this, I would have suspected that the caller was trying to pull one over on me, too. She was probably imagining a young teen holding the phone, surrounded by a group of snickering children, hands clapped over their mouths to hide their laughter. I had to draw myself up and put on my most professional yet sympathetic voice. “Yes. I doubt that's her actual name, but that's who I was told to ask for.” She hardly listened to my attempts to salvage my self-respect.

“I think you mean Mary Gail Mullin.” I'm sure she thought that I was an idiot. That call was probably her laugh of the day, shared many times with her co-workers. I know it was mine.

Friday, December 7, 2012

It's Just What I Do

I tell long, involved stories. Always have. One of my brothers once said of me, when I was a teenager, "Kathy is the only person I know who can tell the plot of a half-hour sitcom in an hour and a half." I remember that remark because it was (and is) so true.

Delivered verbally, my stories are well received by friends and family. They get my gestures, body language, delivery, and comedic timing. Yes, I'll say it, I am quite a funny person. In person. I don't know that that translates well to the blog world because it makes my stories long. And involved. It may just be too much for the "give it to me in 15 seconds" world that we live in now.

But, for those who have the patience and the attention span, I will point you toward my new blog, "Long, Involved Stories." I've had a description and link to it in the right-hand sidebar of this blog for a couple of months now. I didn't want to announce it with a big media event or anything like that, so I figured that the link was enough. But the two people who have actually been reading my blog (and, yes, they're related to me) have chastised me for not making a bigger splash with it. I don't have the time, energy, or expertise to do the stuff that recommends to get one's blog noticed, so I have a pretty low readership for both of my blogs. That's okay with me. But my family said that I should at least point out in *this* blog that the other blog exists so that people who read this blog with interest and enthusiasm (ha!) will know that there's now "more of me to love." Oh, my!

I'm pleased with the stories I've posted on Long, Involved Stories, but I will tell you now that the blog is aptly named. It is not for the attention deficit or faint of heart. If you're interested, by all means, check it out: